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The History Of The Godt Apple Tree


The following is the history of the Godt Apple Tree.

This famous Apple Tree is situated near the house in Rinkenaes, by Nedervej 1. It was planted by the last owner of the Godt Farm, Christian Hinrichsen Godt, before the farm was sold. The new owner, a famous painter in Southern Denmark - A.G. Nissen- demolished the farm house and built a new house on the same spot.

His son, N. F. Nissen, still lives in the house and told me this story about the Godt Apple tree. The apple is a "Gravensteiner Apfel", a famous local variety.

Maybe because the apples from this tree tasted better than other local apples, many people in the area planted such a tree in their gardens. It is referred to locally as the big "Big Godt Apple". The original tree is still living.






The Wedding Chest



Another nice story concerns the Wedding Chest (see page 19 of the book) of the Godt Family, now in the open air museum at Molfsee near Kiel, the capital of Schleswig-Holstein. The chest is in a house that was moved from the village of Kvaers in Southern Denmark, 6 km. north of Rinkenaes. The chest belongs to the Godt family and I am only the momentary ‘curator’. I have lent the chest to the museum.

It may actually be older than the date painted on the front - 1818. That is the year that Peter Godt married Metta Christina Hansen from Holboel. We are not sure, but it is possible the chest was built in Kvaers.






Both of these stories are from Peter Karl Godt, of Rendsburg Germany. Peter’s father wrote the Green Book. Peter has devoted his retired years to researching the family history and has provided us with many leads, names, dates and stories.



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