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My involvement in this began as a chance to have a holiday in St. Louis in 1995. I felt I knew all that mattered to me about my heritage, and my family history. Attending the Godt Family Reunions has allowed me to meet some of the very good people who are part of this family that I never knew existed.

I have learned much, and I hope that I have been able to share as well. Tinkers, tailors, soldiers, sailors; and bankers, factory workers, professors, printers, doctors, farmers- we have been all these, and many more over the years.

Some, no doubt were great people, recognized as such in their time. Some were probably not that great. Most were probably average, good people. All we can hope is that the next generation of Godt's remember what they went through, and how it shaped their lives. We can hope that we learn from their mistakes and their successes.

They will not be able to learn these lessons if we do not share our knowledge, our stories and our history. We are for the most part a creation of those who came before us. We ourselves can still learn. We can take the lessons we learn from our ancestors and take them into our communities, our places of worship and our work environments.

It is our responsibility to make sure this legacy is recorded and passed on.




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